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Our top priority at Great Waltham is the safety and welfare of the children in our care. We take this responsibility very seriously and ensure that our recruitment, policies and practices underpin this commitment. We also support the Government Prevent Strategy, an initiative to stop children being radicalised and forming extremist views.

All of our staff are trained to recognise when a child may be at risk and what to do if they have concerns. The headteacher is the designated person for the school and is available for staff to take their concerns to and for advice relating to any safeguarding issues. To ensure correct governance in this area there is a Safeguarding Governor appointed by the Governing Body who oversees the schools procedures and each term a Governor inspects school records to ensure that the policies and procedures are being carried out.

Safeguarding the children at the school is not only a responsibility for staff, it is a collective responsibility for the whole school community. If you have a concern about a child then you can either contact the school to report it or contact the NSPCC or the local authority.

Key Staff

Designated Person & Prevent Lead: Mrs J Brooks- Headteacher 

Deputy Designated person: Deputy Headteacher

Deputy Designated person: Mrs J Moore - SENDCO

Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL): Mrs N Goodwin: School Business Manager