Headteacher Message
This half-terms collective worship theme is ‘Perseverance’. It’s been great popping into lessons this week and seeing some of the children demonstrating this. North America have been editing and upskilling their writing whilst, Class Australia have been writing their first sentences about Goldilocks and the three bears. It’s wonderful to see how much the children progress as they move through the school.
Reminder about School Drop off and collection times
Please ensure your child is dropped off and collected at the correct times. At the start of the day the doors open to all children at 8:35am for registration at 8:45am when the classroom doors (and main gate) will close. Children should then be collected promptly at 3:15pm. If you are late please go into the school office and complete the late register, indicating why you are late. This helps us to understand and offer support if we can. Thank you.
Food box and Pre-loved uniform
Please don’t forget we have a box of donated essential food items for you to help yourself to if you ever find yourself short. There is also the preloved uniform available all year round for a small donation. Both items can be found in the office foyer. Please remember we are here to help and not to judge, so if you find yourself in a situation where you need support, please reach out to us in confidence. We have links to organisations and support services who may be able to help.
Easter service
This year our Easter service will take place at 2pm on Wednesday 29th March, we look forward to seeing lots of you there.
Parent Governor
We have a vacancy for a parent governor, this is a great opportunity for you to get involved in the school. We will be sending a letter with further information early next week, but if you would like any more information please get in contact.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday.
Mrs Brooks